advice as a commission artist!

11 min read

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VCR-WOLFE's avatar

when you are uploading your prior work for customers, it is a really good idea to avoid self depreciation!

saying stuff like "oh this isnt that good" or even calling your artwork shitty directly on paid work and information is very detracting. it can say a lot of things about what you are doing. could say you didnt like working with the customer, that youre not confident in what you do or even dont want to be working on things at all

i understand though that artists can definitely have doubts in their own work! i know i do sometimes. i even know that sometimes, some commissioners can be a pain in the ass to work with too!

but yall gotta also understand discretion. working with people is a bit of a weird mix of genuine honesty and pulling some choice facades to get where you need to be. even if youre not confident in your work, bluffing and not mentioning how much you hate a piece when its done can do wonders. it can both draw in more customers (more money mmm) and ya know, if you fake it till you make it, you can even eventually believe in yourself! tricks of the trade dude

plus, on the flip side as a patron, it kind of hurts to see someone i paid say they hated creating the work for me. like? gee that fucking sucks! its one thing to openly acknowledge a possible challenge in the work but completely another to outright berate it. youre not just talking ill of yourself, but the commissioner too.

i hope this short lil diddy may be of some use


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ahnabee's avatar
yessss all of this 100%. i'm very into sending "don't do that!" vibes to people who talk down their own work so hopefully i don't do it myself, although it's not really something i take extra care not to do!